© copyright by Artie Miller

Intention Clarinet

In a family, brimmed over with ent- husiasm for music, he already discovered his preference for his instrument with 10 years. He studied at an academy of music and a conservatory and so he elaborated his ability. At the varieté “Lindenhof”, in Zwickau (Saxony), he proudly earned his first little bit of money. Engagements in various orches- tras and bands followed.

 In 2003 he toured to Zwickau once again. He was really bewildered when he saw the blank place where the building, in which the varieté had taken place some years ago, had been standing for the past 100 years. He thought of 1000 things concomitantly: Evoking unforgot- ten performances, reminiscing about enthusiastic audience and fantastic fellow-musicians – additionally his great- grand-father Arthur Müller was saxopho- nist at “Lindenhof” many many years ago.


In this very moment he decided: “I want to get ahead by myself. Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw succeeded with the clarinet once in former times and that exactly is the music I want to revive and play in its complete greatness.”
